
Your child’s first youth group

The Tweens group helps youth transition from elementary to junior high through friendships, fun activities, and meaningful service projects. This group is open to youth from 4th through 6th grades.

The Tweens meets during the school year on Sundays at 10:10 am during Kids Connect and monthly for special meet-ups and activities.

Developing friendships

Joining a new group can be scary for anyone, which is why we make the Tweens youth group a relaxed and fun environment.

Besides their weekly Sunday mornings at Kids Connect, Tweens can expect to make friends and have fun through monthly events like movie nights, exploring local parks, and spending the night at the Cincinnati Zoo.

Tweens also learn what it means to follow Jesus’ by helping others and serving throughout the year.

Tweens help set-up and welcome people to the annual Easter Egg Hunt, collect and organizes donations for the Souper Bowl of Caring, and provide weekly leadership on skits and other activities in Kids Connect.

Learning to lead & serve

Hi, I’m Pastor Alex!

I’m the Director of Discipleship at Good Shepherd and one of the adult leaders of the Tweens Youth Group.

The Tween years find many youth in a time of transition - no longer a child, yet not quite a teenager. I love that we can provide a space for them to make friends and walk this road with others. It’s also a great opportunity for the students to continue to grow spiritually. I focus our Kids Connect time on helping the Tweens model Jesus’ example of kindness, love, and generosity towards all people.

Use the form below to let me know if you have any questions or would like to register your child for this fun youth group.

Tell us about you

Tell us what questions you have about Tweens and if you want more information on how to sign-up your child for this youth group.