Senior High

A youth group that walks with your student through the formative years of high school. Weekly conversations, regular service projects, and summer trips help your student better understand what it means to live out their faith in a complicated world.

The Flock meets Sundays at 9:08 am September through May.

The Flock

Students continue to grow in their faith through the meaningful friendships and engaging discussions they have at their weekly Flock meetings on Sunday mornings at 9:08 am.

Activities guided by supportive adult leaders provide students a space to ask questions, hear from their peers, share their unique story, and continually discover how God is working in their lives.

Continuing their journey

Serving near & far

Students learn what it means to help their neighbor by serving at organizations like Tikkun Farm. They practice modeling generosity & love by helping during Vacation Bile School & Kids Connect. They expand their horizons by through annual summer trips like serving with the Appalachia Service Project.

Hi, I’m Jen.

I’m the Director of Mission & Ministry and adult leader of The Flock, our Senior High Youth Group.

Helping young adults navigate the exciting (and sometimes turbulent) waters of high school has always been a passion of mine. I love helping students develop relationships while also learning about God’s steadfast love for them. These formative years are a great time for them to better understand their faith and how God is working in their lives.

Use the form below to let me know if you have any questions or would like to connect your high school student with The Flock.

Tell us about you

Tell us what questions you have about The Flock and if you’d like more information on how to sign-up your high school student.