
An intentional time

Confirmation is a two-year program where students learn more about our shared Lutheran faith. Through study, groups discussions, and service, they better learn what it means to follow Jesus in their everyday lives. The program culminates with the students making a public affirmation of their baptism at the Rite of Confirmation which is held each year on Reformation Sunday (final Sunday of October).

Confirmation meets September through May on Sundays at 10:10 am and for monthly special activities.

Worship, study, & service

The three foundations of Confirmation are a youth’s commitment to worship regularly, serve 10 hours per year, and learn about our faith through retreats and classroom discussions.

During the weekly classes on Sunday mornings at 10:10 am, students will explore many stories of the Bible and learn about our Lutheran history and Luther’s Small Catechism.

In affirmation of our baptism

Confirmation culminates in a student’s choice to affirm their Baptism through the Rite of Confirmation.

At the Rite of Confirmation, the students publicly declare to the community their intention to continue on their journeys of faith by becoming a confirmed member of the congregation on Reformation Sunday (the final Sunday in October).

Hi, I’m Jen.

I’m the Director of Mission & Ministry and one of the adult leaders of Confirmation.

From seeing what the Confirmation students create for their Faith Masterpieces to hearing their personal stories of where God is working in their lives, I’m continually reminded of the abundant and variety of ways God seeks to be in relationship with all of us. This special time in a youth’s life truly helps them better understand what it means to follow Jesus and helps them transition to the next step in their journeys of faith.

Use the form below to let me know if you have any questions or would like more information about Confirmation at Good Shepherd.

Tell us about you

Tell us what questions you have or if you’d like more information on how your child can participate in Confirmation at Good Shepherd.